From the mouth of babes—at least this one—comes golden drops of glinting wisdom. Got a broken heart? Not sure where you're going in life? There's no problem Theo can't—with the help of his mom—solve before naptime.
Dear Theo,
Do you think it's best to ask before kissing someone for the first time, or should you try it and see where it goes? People say it's not romantic to ask permission but I want people to feel like I respect their space. -- Grace from Rockridge
Yeah, you should ask. Because if they don't want you to kiss them, then they say no. And if they do, they say yes. One day when I was going home, one friend tried to hold my hand and I felt sad.
I don't know about romance, because I'm a four year old. Four year olds don't know about romance.
Dear Theo,
I really really like my boyfriend but he acts pretty selfish sometimes. It makes me wonder if he can ever be a good, long-term partner. Do you think people can change? Am I silly for waiting around? -- Danielle from City of Industry
Yes, people can change.
I don't think a selfish person would make a good husband, but maybe if you are both selfish that could be good. Then you could BOTH want everything for yourselves. But then maybe no one would like you, because you would be taking all their nice stuff. Because selfish people always take everything nice for themselves